Thursday, October 9, 2014

10 Things that Should Motivate You to Hit the Gym

Alright, I must confess! I'm totally eating a doughnut right now as I post this! BUT, I did however go to the gym this morning so I feel like that outweighs the doughnut? No? welp, it's gone now. No turning back.

Have you ever felt like you have ZERO motivation to go to the gym? Like every possible excuse you can think of pops into your head as soon as you put your gym shorts or yoga pants on? This list is for you excuse-maker! If you've got a great way to motivate yourself that I don't mention, please leave a comment below! I would love that!

  1. New Gym Clothes: I mean, come on! Am I right? Once you buy that new sports bra or pair of Nikes you're BOUND to go to the gym at least once! Those babies have to make an appearance because let's face it, you look great in them. Plus if you go early like I do you'll need cute gym clothes to distract from your 5AM, makeup-less face.
  2. Timing is Everything: find a time that works for your schedule and STICK with it. If you don't have time in your schedule set aside for the gym or you go at a different time every day, chances are you AREN'T going to go every day. 
  3. Nice Bod Bro: hello? Don't you want to look good? Look Good, Feel Good. I'm not saying you have to look like those super model fitness girls/guys. Everyone has their own body type and looking good means something different to everyone.
  4. Do it for the Goodness of the Day: Honestly, have you ever gone to the gym and NOT felt great afterwards? (Sure, your muscles are on fire and you can fill up a cup with the amount of sweat dripping.... BUT, at least the rest of the day will feel wonderful!)
  5. Stress Relief: Some days I feel like punching a wall with my head. These are the days that I really appreciate the gym. (these are also the days that I work the hardest at the gym so it's a win-win)
  6. Affair with your Ipod: Who doesn't love jamming out to your favorite songs while fighting old ladies for a stretching mat and dumbbells? When I'm at the gym I listen to classic 80's rock n roll baby. It's one of the only times during the day that I actually get to listen to my music so I really appreciate it.
  7. Justify Eating More: You knew it was coming. 
  8. Better Sleep: Studies have been done, and this crap is true! I've cited an academic journal at the bottom on exercise effects and sleep fluctuations if you're interested.
  9. Social Interaction: Yeah, so maybe the old guy that runs on the treadmill next to you everyday is the only one that you talk to, but at least it's a start! I like to go to the gym with my husband. If you've got a roommate or significant other that wants to start going, GO WITH THEM. I promise it makes it so much easier when you have someone pushing you and vice verse. Word of advice though: don't go with your really good friend that you go on McDonald's runs with... or you'll probably end up there instead.
  10. Something to Brag About: What's going to the gym if you don't post about it? LOL only joking. please don't do this. Your confidence will increase though, and you'll feel better and better about yourself each time you go. 
Stupid things that get me excited to workout!

Buman, M., Hekler, E., Bliwise, D., & King, A. (2011). Exercise effects on night-to-night fluctuations in self-rated sleep among older adults with sleep complaints. Journal of Sleep Research, 20(1), 28-37.

1 comment:

  1. I have such a hard time convincing myself to workout! These are great motivation ideas. Thanks for sharing!
